
Montessori Pre-Schools are worldwide dominating success stories across 53 countries for over 110+years and have produced many contemporary world leaders in media and technology like, Founders of,,, Prince William and Harry of English Royal Family, etc.

playschool Franchise Ads

Top Five Reasons

Why should you consider investing in a PreSchool?

1. Recession Free Sector (Demand for quality education is eternal).
2. Business for Generations (You start a preschool and your coming generations will reap rewards by indulging in it).
3.Opportunity for Women Empowerment (Your sister, mother, and wife can successfully manage it while offering empowerment to other women of your area).
4. Optimum usage of Assets (Once created, these are used again and again, during the lifecycle of the project).
5. Scalability (Start with a preschool, upgrade into primary, middle, high and senior secondary school eventually). 

Mr Larry Page, co-founder of  in an interview endorsed Montessori system of education by sharing that the secret of his success goes back to his early education in a Montessori Classroom.

As an Investor ARE YOU …

  • Considering to make a business investment to start a play school in your area?
  • Exploring Franchise opportunities with reputed brands to start a play school in your area?
  • Planning to start or running a play school in your area?
  • Interested to invest in something which is going to give you a unique competitive edge, that whatever you are going to pitch to your customer, the same is already endorsed by the world leaders in technology and media?


We invite you to be a pioneer to start ABC Montessori Franchise Pre-School in your area. We guarantee you will find our proposal MOST ATTRACTIVE as it would be very hard for any brand to match or beat our offer.

Top Five Reasons:

Why ABC Montessori is the best PreSchool Franchise?

  1. Worldwide Acclaimed Montessori Edge
  2. World Class Gold Standard Support Services
  3. Customized Franchise Packages
  4. Minimal Royalty
  5. 11 years in service experience

About ABC Montessori :

ABC MONTESSORI assists INVESTORS to BUILD and SCALE a most RESPECTABLE and highly SUCCESSFUL business around WORLDWIDE ACCLAIMED CONCEPT of Montessori Education.

•Pioneer and only chain in India to offer authentic Montessori Preschool model
•Member of International Montessori Council, USA
•Member of multimillion net worth GCS Group which has expertise in franchising since 1998 and experience of thousands of successful franchise centers

FRANCHISE Cost & Space Requirement

•School setup & Launch Cost: Approximately Rs.12-18 Lac (subject to already good quality construction of the building)
•Space Requirement: Min. 300-500 Sq.Yard residential property/school site
•Covered Area: Min. 1600-3200 Sq.Ft with open play/green area
•Property should be approachable by a four wheeler
•Property should be preferably visible from the main approach road
•Property should be near to some prominent milestone/city icon building
•Property should be preferably owned or must be on rented on long term lease

Pre-School Setup Project Prospects:

•Low Investment, Life-long Returns
•Unlimited Potential, Unlimited Growth
•Socially Needed Endeavour and Empowerment

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Enquiry For Franchise: